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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu misc.kids:64879 news.answers:4617
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- From: dlin@weber.ucsd.edu (Diane Lin)
- Newsgroups: misc.kids,news.answers
- Subject: Welcome to Misc.kids/FAQ File Index (Updated
- Followup-To: misc.kids
- Date: 15 Dec 1992 16:35:17 GMT
- Organization: University of California, San Diego
- Lines: 217
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <1gl1g5INN4ln@network.ucsd.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: weber.ucsd.edu
- Summary: new FAQ file, new e-mail address for Linda King
- Keywords: etiquette, FAQ
- Archive-name: misc-kids-FAQ
- Last-modified: 12/7/92
- *******
- Welcome to misc.kids, the newsgroup for parents, soon-to-be
- parents, and other people interested in children. In this group,
- we discuss issues relevant to pregnancy and child rearing, solicit
- advice from other netters on a host of parenting concerns,
- and generally seek and provide support and encouragement with
- respect to raising kids. This is a group intended for parents of
- children of *all* ages, though questions about babies and younger
- children seem to predominate. For a fascinating look at the readership
- of misc.kids, we urge you to read the results of a survey created,
- conducted and compiled by Jonathan Rice (see FAQ index under
- "misc.kids reader demographics").
- This document introduces new readers both to the preferred
- etiquette for misc.kids and to a service we have devised
- in this group: a compilation of files of Frequently Asked
- Questions (FAQ).
- *** Etiquette Guidelines ***
- Most of the guidelines here are the same as in
- news.announce.newusers. However, they bear repeating from time to
- time.
- o While there is a newsgroup (alt.kids-talk) for non-adults to
- participate in, comments from children and teens are very welcome
- in this newsgroup.
- o Please respond via e-mail whenever possible; if the
- original poster was soliciting advice/information, s/he should
- post a summary to the net. This helps cut down on net traffic.
- o Please read all follow-ups before posting one of your own;
- in many cases, someone else has already covered the same point.
- o Please limit the amount of material included from previous
- postings as much as possible, and try to be concise. Remember
- that most of the audience for misc.kids are busy parents.
- However, please make sure you include enough of the original post
- so as to make your follow-up sensible. (For example, follow-ups
- such as "I totally agree!" with no material included from the
- previous article make no sense at all, due to the nature of news
- readers.)
- o Please watch your attributions carefully; avoid misquotes and
- misconstructions.
- o Please avoid (whenever possible) cross-postings to other
- newsgroups--especially to soc.men and soc.women!
- o Please post only once for each subject, and try to limit the
- number of postings to an average of one per day.
- o Please refrain from name-calling, tantrums or other hysterics--
- we get enough of that from our children :-).
- *** Index to FAQ Files ***
- If you are interested in any of the following topics, please
- e-mail the contact person directly, who will then
- send you a copy of the file. Please be specific when requesting
- files, as some folks maintain more than one FAQ file. If you would like
- to add something to the files listed, please also do so via e-mail,
- and indicate that you would like your comments added to the
- FAQ file.
- If you ask for an FAQ file and don't get it within a week, it
- may have bounced. When you ask again, please be sure to include your
- e-mail address in the body of your request, in case 'reply' doesn't
- work. ("Rec." = "Recommendations")
- ADD (Attention Deficit Toni Bachman
- Disorder) tbachman@seq.hamline.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Au Pair/Nanny Info Ed Soniat
- ed.soniat@gtri.gatech.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Auto Safety Andy Lowry
- lowry@watson.ibm.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Babyproofing Ideas Sandra Smith
- sandra@csri.toronto.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Extended Bedrest for Pregnancy Sian Meikle
- Complications sian@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Blood Types / Gordon Berkley
- Rh Incompatibility gordonb@mcil.comm.mot.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Bottle/Cup - Solid Foods Tips Linda King
- king@asl.dl.nec.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Breast Pumps Rec. Beth Weiss
- bweiss@cs.arizona.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Car Seat Rec. Susanne Gilliam
- sg@tredysvr.Tredydev.Unisys.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Children's Books Rec. Kathie Riggle
- riggle@adobe.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Circumcision Janet Sakell
- jcs@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Cloth Diapers Rec. Sangita Kejriwal
- Sangita.Kejriwal@Donald.WichitaKs.NCR.COM
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Crib to Bed Transition Diane Lin
- dlin@weber.ucsd.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Divorce--Pros & Cons-- Mary Hart
- Effects on Children mh5r+@andrew.cmu.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Ear Infections/Tubes Misty (Marian) Nodine
- mhn@cs.brown.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Effective Parenting - Scott Humphreys
- Experiences & Courses scott@megadata.mega.oz.au
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Fear of Baths Bonnie Dorr
- bonnie@umiacs.umd.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Gestational Diabetes Kathy Nicklas-Varraso
- kathynv@camex.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Humidifiers Jhinuk Chowdhury
- chowdhur@cobaf.unt.edu
- (SUBJECT: Room humidifier FAQ request)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Infertility Jeanetha Wemken
- jws@hp835.oc.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Inguinal Hernia/Infant Kenneth Staffan
- Surgery/General Anesthesia staffan@serum.kodak.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Jogging Strollers Cindy Mitchell
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Juvenile Diabetes Gordon Berkeley
- gordonb@mcil.comm.mot.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Kids Jokes Diane Lin
- dlin@weber.ucsd.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Mail Order Catalogs Kathie Riggle
- riggle@adobe.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Miscarriage Tracy Larrabee
- larrabee@cse.ucsc.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Misc.kids "Membership" List Susan Davis
- susan.davis@ColoSpgs.NCR.COM
- A list of readers of misc. Subject: "Send misc.kids List"
- kids sorted by children's or
- birthdate Subject: "Add us to the list"
- include:
- This is only for FUN--you Parents' full names
- do not have to be on the Children's full names/birthdate
- list to read or be involved or due date
- in this newsgroup! E-mail Address
- City, State (optional)
- Other info (optional)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Misc. kids reader demographics Jonathan Rice
- rice@zizania.cray.com or
- uunet!cray!rice
- (Subject "send 1991" gets fastest reply)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- New Baby-Stuff to Have Pam Araki
- pam@netcom.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Outdoor Activities for Young Karla Perdue
- Children (8 and under) kperdue@hpsmtc1.cup.hp.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Parenting Books Rec. Judy Leedom Tyrer
- judy@locus.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Picnic/Camping Fun & Games Harry Bahlman
- harry@matia.stanford.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Preterm Birth Sangita Kejriwal
- Sangita.Kejriwal@Donald.WichitaKs.NCR.COM
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Raising Street Smart Kids Jim Reynolds
- jpr1@lehigh.edu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Sibling Spacing Danielle Cohen
- dani@hpams0c.hp.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Sleep Problems Debbie Harden
- hardend@lonex.rf.af.mil
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Toilet Training Joanne Petersen
- joanne@hpcc01.corp.hp.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Toys and Games for Kids Jonathan Rice
- rice@zizania.cray.com or
- uunet!cray!rice
- (Subject "send toys" gets fastest reply)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Traveling with Kids Diane Lin
- dlin@weber.ucsd.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Walkers Sean Myers
- smmyers@ns.PacBell.COM
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Diane C. Lin "Live now; make *now* always the
- dlin@weber.ucsd.edu most precious time. Now will
- (Dylan's mom, 2 years) never come again." (ST:TNG)